viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

 Hemos cerrado la cuenta de ahorro de la Asociación Social Hope, donando los 57,57€ a Aldeas Infantiles

Este es el extracto de la transferencia:

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Buscando una Organización que nos ayude - Looking for a partner organization

Hemos iniciado un proceso de búsqueda de una organización que se haga cargo de la educación de los niños y niñas del orfanato.
Cada una de las iniciativas se encuentra en un grado de madurez diferente, e incluso algunas están en vía muerta.
Estas son las ONGs contactadas:

Diócesis de Malindi-Escuelas

We have triggered a process to search an organization that supports the orphanage. Each one of the initiatives are in a different maturity level,and some of them have failed.
These are the NGOs contacted:

Diócesis de Malindi-Escuelas

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Informe/Report 19-03-2014

La situación a fecha de hoy es dramática, ya que el dueño del terreno ha colocado candados en las puertas del colegio, dado que no ha recibido el pago del alquiler de febrero.

Vamos a tratar de poner un parche y salvar la escuela del cierre definitivo, aplazando dicha situación al menos hasta Mayo. De esta forma, intentaremos ganar tiempo para hacer el traspaso del proyecto a alguna ONG con suficiente capacidad.

Este va a ser nuestro principal objetivo a partir de ahora.

Detalles del envío del rescate
Cambio eur/ksh(Banco Central de Kenia, 19-3-2014)
1288 eur
Comisión bancaria
30 eur
Total enviado
1258 eur = 151.337 Ksh

Con este dinero se puede sostener la escuela, al menos, durante 4 meses (alquiler y salarios)

Este es el justificante del envío.

Los justificantes de pagos de sueldos son confidenciales, y están a disposición de los donantes bajo petición explícita

The actual situation is dramatic, so that the landlord has installed padlocks in the school by

the arrears of February’s rent.We are going to apply a temporary solution, in order to save the school of it definite closing.

Therefore, we can have enough time to find a strong partner (a big NGO) with the capacity to support the project.

This is going to be our main target from now on.

Details of the bailout
Ratio eur/ksh(Central Bank of Kenya, 19-3-2014)
Bank comisión
30 eur
Total sent
1258 eur = 151.337 Ksh

With this money the school can survive for 4 months (rents and salaries)

This is the document of the money sent.

The receipts of the salaries are confidential documents, but are available for the donors under express request

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Ayuda urgente alquiler enero 2014 - Urgent help for January's Rent

Nos han solicitado una nueva ayuda para pagar el alquiler de enero de 2012; el dueño del local amenaza con cerrarlo a fecha de 3-3-2014, si no recibe el pago.

Se adjunta el justificante de la transferencia, más el extracto de movimientos de la cuenta de la asociación

A fecha de hoy, el cambio euro/ksh es de 1/118,33 (Banco central de Kenia)

POR LO TANTO, CON ENVIAR 178 eur ya pueden pagar el alquiler

Se han enviado 200 eur, y han aplicado 30 de comisión. Saldo final en la cuenta de la asociación; 22 cent. (a fecha 2-3-2014)

En caja habían 141 eur; 200-141=69 eur a cubrir con donaciones.

Como se puede comprobar, la escuela no es sostenible. Estamos intentando solucionarlo mediante el contacto con organizaciones potentes, que estén dispuestas a asumir la responsabilidad de gestionar el negocio social. No va a ser fácil.

 We have sent the money in order to pay the January's Rent. This has been an urgent process, becuse the landlord has threatened with the closing of the School, if he does not receive the money. Today, the exchange rate euro/kenyan shillings is 1/118,33 (Central Bank of Kenya). So, 200 eur are enought to pay the rent. A personal transaction has been done to the Association Account: 210 eur, plus former figure equals, 230 eur. The Association Account has sent 200 eur (commission=30 eur) towards the School. Final balance: 22 cents. We need to cover with donations 69 euros: 210-141 in cash

sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Socios Americanos: Malindi Home of Hope - Partners from USA

Malindi Home of Hope, Asociación Social en los Estados Unidos, y Social Hope, unen fuerzas para poder sostener el proyecto de la Escuela en Kenya. Ellos nos han proporcionado datos actualizados:

  1. Para incrementar el número de estudiantes, se ha enviado publicidad a la zona. Hay muchas escuelas alrededor, por lo que la competencia es fuerte
  2. El problema de la huelga se ha solventado, de momento, gracias a nuestros amigos americanos, que han pagado los salarios atrasados
  3. Los padres están satisfechos con la escuela, aunque tardan en pagar, y académicamente funciona bien.
  4. Las intrigas son creadas por un único profesor, del que han dado quejas algunos voluntarios. Incluso ha sido agresivo verbalmente con algún niño, echándole en cara que sus padres no pagan la tarifa escolar.
  5. Actualmente tenemos 27 niños del orfanato escolarizados, y 18 externos (lejos aún de los 150 para que sea sostenible)
  6. El dueño del terreno no permite construir nada, ni instalar juegos, ni decorar las paredes; esto hace que sea menos atractivo para los padres de la zona
  7. El orfanato va bien, y es sustentado con el salario de una de las directoras, Sophia.


Malindi Home of Hope, Social Association in USA, and Social Hope, are together in order to support the School in Kenya. They have obtained updated information:

1.  To increase number of students to the school we have sent out some leaflets, by word of mouth too.  There are so many school around the area and even as I was walking today I came across a new building being constructed and was told it is a new school which is being moved from another place to near us. Some of the teachers and especially madam Cyprine has brought in most of the paying students.

2.  The teachers know that I struggle to pay them.  In early January when we opened they started threatening about striking..  To speak the truth they expect to be told that they can be paid even tomorrow.  They everyday wait to be told to collect their money. This problem has been solved thanks to our American friends

3.  The parents feel that the school is very o.k.  The teachers are very hardworking except for a teacher

This is his second semester in the school.  Otherwise the school is very o.k academically.

The school which was our highest hope of income has become the biggest problem.  Though we opened doors in 2012 September to December,  there was no recruitment of children.  We had only 8 kids with one from outside and 7 from the orphanage.  The numbers have increased but the biggest problem is slow payments by parents and our landlord who does not want us to put any structure or modification at the school.

Every time we want to do something they say we want to take away their land.

So we cant do anything to decorate our school, we cannot put plants, we cannot paint or draw any pictures for the children.

Those are the things that will bring change to our school yet we cannot do them.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Informe - Report 24-01-2014

Esta es la situación en enero de 2014:

- Los profesores están en huelga, por los pagos atrasados de dos meses. Comentan que no pueden dar clases con el estómago vacío

- Uno de los profesores comentó que les dieran parte de la comida del orfanato (Sofía se negó)

- Los niños del orfanato están estudiando en la escuela (en el barrio de Karima, la educación es de baja calidad: 70 alumnos por profesor). Se quedarían sin clases si la escuela cierra.

- Unos americanos les han comprado uniformes y zapatos nuevos a los niños, y han financiado los estudios de tres de ellos en Nairobi

- Nos piden ayuda urgente para solventar el problema:
Worker Salary
Teacher Cyprine 7000
Madam Winnie 7000
Teacher Grace 7000
Teacher Aggrey 7000
Receptionist 5000
Guard 5000
TOTAL 38000
2 months required 76000

We had to call for an urgent meeting on Sunday afternoon to try and look for a solution.  

Some American friends have purchased uniforms and shoes for all the children.  These are the same people who sponsored the other kids to Nairobi.  This time Rachael too was sponsored to Nairobi.  So on opening school all the kids were smart and neatly dressed and this is the main cause of the animosity.  Currently there is no peace at the school.  We persuaded them to continue teaching as we seek for assistance.  They say they need assurance that they will get paid.  Even as we do this mail they are waiting for feedback from us.

In the meeting they said that how can an empty stomach teach.  We had to cool them down atleast for a few days.  One teacher had suggested that the orphanage provide for their lunch, but we were against that, because we cannot afford it.  We are struggling at the orphanage.  The biggest issue that is boiling right now is because of the orphanage children whom we moved to Malindi Saints school.  We can only address this issue properly when these teachers are paid.  If we pay them we can be in a position talk to them and to put our points clear about our children but for now its hard for us to talk.  This is the best place for our children to learn.  At Karima there is no proper education and lack of concentration in class by teachers because one class has over 70 kids.   And since we moved from Muyeye, our school is so close to the orphanage.  We have the babies like Masika, Mwangudza, Sabrina who had to finish the term at Karima and had to be carried to school every morning and after school until they closed.

So the biggest problem is about our orphans who have been moved to Malindi Saints yet they have not been paid